I've managed to pull together small amounts of over one hundred titles so far, most of which I thought were completely out-of-print, posting occasional updates on the above/ground press blog for a few weeks now (scroll down here to see the list so far), with more to come as dozens of boxes are pulled apart and sorted (some for the first time in a decade or more), including works by: Anne Stone, Barry McKinnon, George Elliott Clarke, jwcurry, Natalee Caple, Stephen Cain, damian lopes, Death Waits/Jacob Wren, jwcurry, Michael Holmes, R.M. Vaughan, Sharon H. Nelson, D.G. Jones, David Fujino, Jason Dewinetz, John Barton, Patrick Lane, Stephanie Bolster, Douglas Barbour, Marita Dachsel, Michelle Desberats, rob mclennan, Tim Bowling, Carla Barkman, George Bowering, Jay MillAr, Meghan Jackson, Natalie Hanna, Aaron Peck, derek beaulieu, Meredith Quartermain, Rob Budde, Sharon Harris, Artie Gold, Christophe Casamassima, Frank Davey, Max Middle, Monty Reid, Stephen Brockwell, William Hawkins, Anita Dolman, Jason Le Heup, Shane Rhodes, Stephen Brockwell, Alessandro Porco, Anne Le Dressay, Kate Greenstreet, Lori Emerson, Gil McElroy, Gregory Betts, Jeanette Lynes, John B. Lee, John Newlove, Larry Sawyer, Amanda Earl, David W. McFadden, Jessica Smith, Lea Graham, Nelson Ball, Susan Elmslie, Cameron Anstee, Donato Mancini, ryan fitzpatrick, Clare Latremouille, Joe Blades and Michael Dennis, among many others.
Given I've produced nearly seven hundred items over the past twenty-three years, there are numerous items that, admittedly, I'd long forgotten. Just what (else) might I find?
With the limited numbers I have of some of these items, some have already run out.
And of course: don't forget that new titles are still appearing! Watch for information over the next couple of months on the big anniversary launch/reading/party in August! Can you imagine: twenty-three years!
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