March 28, 2020, Ed Nawotka offered this gem in the Los Angeles Times, an
article I was first made aware of through a social media backlash:
Looking ahead, only one
thing is certain: Writers now have a lot more time on their hands to write. The
end of the crisis may find literary agents inundated with fresh manuscripts.
The problem is that by then, there may not be enough agents – or booksellers or
publishers – left in the business to absorb all the submissions.
great deal of the response, from what I saw, was from an array of literary writers
in my feed responding in terms of mental capacity: How is anyone able to get
anything done in times like these?
or at least, routine, requires an act of will. If even such might be possible. To
even admit this conceit betrays my privilege. I have the luxury of remaining
home and pondering how we all might survive, both physically and emotionally. My
spouse has a good government job and relative security, although a compromised
immune system. I never really have any money coming in at regular intervals, surviving
off, as Toronto writer John Degen suggested some twenty-odd years ago, “hundreds
of thirty dollar cheques.” These days my tricklings are certainly far less, although
they haven’t quite stopped. Not that I can do anything with it, even if it was
coming through. Reduced income means the bills stack up; expenses ramp up as we
soldier on, bunkered in our three-bedroom lock-down.
Puritan minister Thomas White preached outside St. Paul's Cathedral in 1578: “The
cause of plagues is sin, and the cause of sin is plays.” As an infant during the
summer of 1564, Shakespeare had survived an outbreak that decimated a quarter
of the population of Stratford-upon-Avon, so he would have known, as a March 2020 article in The Guardian suggests, how and why to self-isolate. Although
the closing of theatres would have raised his anxiety, citing a lack of income,
social interaction and performances, yet prompted the composition of a slew of
his greatest works, all of which exude their own anxieties: King Lear, Macbeth,
Romeo and Juliet. A plague on your houses.
of what I see through social media, in the array of writers, artists and other
creators, are threads that work in both directions, all on the subject of
productivity. Some felt pressure to get anything done, unable to work through a
combination of stressful circumstance, from employment, finances, childcare and
general anxiety. These are uncertain times, and not everyone employs the same
resources or strategies, or face the same hurdles. Others felt berated for being
productive, as though this was something that should inspire guilt. They felt
targeted. How could you.
as Lear himself prodded Cordelia, early on: “Nothing will come of nothing:
speak again.”
1 comment:
The real-worlds literary equivalent of the Kobayashi Maru scenario, right?
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