Friday, July 21, 2023

Parallel investigation



Does the appearance of               emerging author
suggest the alternate                    , of retreat?



I rarely daydream                        in rhyme.
Degrees, experience,

a polished stream of alternates, floating down
the spring excess

of the floodplain               at Riverside.

I respond better to syntax

than to philosophies.                              I respond
to kindness.



Scientists determine                    that bananas           cause anxiety
in male mice. What

might this prompt in them. Anxiety,

and fear. Hot vax summer, hot girl summer, hot

hot. One might ask           the moon,
after so many poems, what

has it done for me  in return.    
Absolutely nothing.



I am behind on further tasks                  than can be dreamt of
in your philosophy.


1 comment:

Michael Turner said...

You nailed it, rob.