Friday, October 22, 2010

The end of history: Frederick Campbell (1873-1963)

[Fred Campbell, daughter Harriet, my great-aunt] Since my mother went, digging through the house, through family archives, attempting to articulate the end of history. Digging through shelves, cupboards, boxes of papers and discovering photos, most of which I never knew existed, from both sides of the family: McLennan (and Campbell, Aird) and Page (and Swain, Cassidy). Scanning hundreds of photographs, hoping for what relatives remain to tell their stories, add clarification, confirmation. Almost every picture unlabelled, and some, possibly, completely lost, unknown. Who are some of these?

My great-grandfather, Frederick Campbell, born 1873 in Athol, just north of the village of Maxville, who married Jane Aird of Sandringham. Both are buried in Maxville, he in 1963, and she, seven years later. In most pictures, suspenders, white shirt, as though the range of pictures were from very few days. Sets of shots as opposed to set singles. In one, on his front step with daughter Harriet, he looking in hat and dark jacket very much like Pa Kettle. Already, just there, how I have dated myself. 1940s films replayed thirty, forty years later on Sunday mornings, American Public Television. These people, these events and these tokens help make up who we are, long before we had even existed. According to R.B. Campbell’s expansive The Campbells and other Glengarry-Stormont and Harrington Pioneers (1983), “Fred and Janie farmed on Lots 12 & 13 in the 21st Concession Indian Lands for a number of years before retiring and moving to Maxville. They had two daughters. Fred was a member of municipal council for a period during his residence in Maxville.” Their house in Maxville, the only residence these photos know. In the book itself, a photo of the same couple my pictures call elderly, younger. A young couple, unknown to my infant father.

[Fred on our front porch, my father the boy in the back] Fred Campbell,1873-1963. The Campbells and other Glengarry-Stormont and Harrington Pioneers provides three generations beyond, from Angus Finlay Campbell (1830-1887) and wife Elizabeth Bennett (1836-1914) to Finlay Campbell (1795-1872) and wife Harriet McKay (1800-1845) to Duncan Campbell, known by name and little more. Only that he arrived in Canada with four sons to western Quebec, two of whom eventually headed further into Glengarry, into what would become the small corner Athol, just north of not-yet-Maxville. Where generations further would come, down to my father’s own mother, the last generation of their line born there. Before the small hamlet disappeared, barely there even in name. A lingering sign on dirt road.

The Village of Maxville a product of rail, incorporated 1891, for the line that first came through between Ottawa and Coteau Landing, a point just prior to Montreal. Maxville, so named for the concentration of Scots in this, Glengarry County, largest concentration of Scottish immigration in Canada, founded as the oldest county in Ontario. The rail, that also drew away from the outer edges, drew out hamlets and corners, some into non-existence, a circle of Dominionville, Dunvegan, Athol, Tayside. When Rev. Charles W. Gordon, the author Ralph Connor, was young, the nearest rail was, he wrote, “25 miles.” Born in the manse house at St. Elmo, between bare miles of Athol and not-yet-Maxville. What would that have been? The Prescott line, a rail from Bytown to what once Caledonia Springs. Another line disappeared, where Royalty and heads of state vacationed, heading first by steamboat, then by rail, the water’s healing properties. The only evidence, bare stone in a farmer’s back forty. From his Postscript to Adventure: The Autobiography of Ralph Connor (1975):
I met my mother first in the Indian Lands Presbyterian manse, Glengarry, to which my father took her after two years or so in Lingwick. I often wonder at his nerve. Indian Lands, settled by Scotia crofters dispossessed from the Highlands and Islands by poverty-stricken lairds and dukes to make room for deer forests, poor, crude in their manner of life, passionate in their hates and loyalties, grand friends but desperate enemies. It was Lingwick over again, but more remote from civilization. The nearest railway was twenty five miles distant. There for eighteen years she lived on a glebe of twenty-four acres, cut from the bush and the deep pine forest, out of which the people had cut their little farms. How desperately lonely she was no one ever knew. She hardly knew herself, she was too busy. Her babies, arriving with biennial regularity, the women and girls of her husband’s congregation, the men and boys too, all demanded her care and got it. She was far too busy for self-pity.


Lois Campbell said...

Will you be posting more pictures of your Campbell ancestors?

I found your blog when Googling the title of the Campbell book and loved the story you just posted.

I'm a descendant of John Campbell 1774-1836 (through his son Miles 1817-1898). John, a widower, and his young two sons, Colin and Norman, joined a party of 400 emigrants under Archibald McMillan which left Fort William on 3rd July 1802 sailing in 3 ships, the "Friends", "Helen" and "Jane". They took 9 weeks to reach Montreal.

The family heads were given 200 acres of land in Stormont County. Johns land was lot 19 concession 4 of Finch Township but he decided to settle with his brother Donald on Lot 36, Concession 6 Glengarry County. John married May McGillivray (possibly aboard ship) and they had 10 more children in Glengarry.

Much of this line can be found in the book which you referenced. Though Ian Campbell was kind enough to scan pages related to my line, I would LOVE to get my hands on a copy of this book.

Richard Finley said...

Hello Cousin.
I was searching the Campbell's of Glengarry book and how to get a copy of it and found your blog. Duncan Campbell 1765- married Margaret McDonald 1766- Finley Campbell is their son and William Campbell is his brother and my Great-Great Grandfather. William Campbell 1786-1866 married Nancy Carmichael 1791-1866. Williams son Roderick W. Campbell is my Great-Grandfather who married Mary Fraser 1839-1911. Roderick's daughter Rachel Ellen Campbell is my Grandmother 1870-1946 who had my father Roderick Robert (McGill) Finley. So hello cousin. My contact information is my work email: Look forward to hearing from you. All the Best

Richard Finley said...

I am not sure how John Campbell fits in the family. I just got back from Lost River Quebec looking up all the family headstones and family that still live in the area. I have pictures of many of the family - My line is from my father Roderick Robert (McGill) Finley - he was adopted when his mother remarried - Rachel Ellen Campbell his mother. her father Roderick Campbell married Mary Fraser, his Grandfather William Campbell married Nancy Carmichael, his Great-Grandfather Duncan Campbell married Margaret McDonald, and his Great-Great Grandfather Alexander Campbell married Margaret McDougall. This is the family I am working on at present - the Campbell's and Fraser's all from Lost River Quebec - Harrington/Lachute area of Quebec.

Richard Finley said...

I am not sure how John Campbell fits in the family. I just got back from Lost River Quebec looking up all the family headstones and family that still live in the area. I have pictures of many of the family - My line is from my father Roderick Robert (McGill) Finley - he was adopted when his mother remarried - Rachel Ellen Campbell his mother. her father Roderick Campbell married Mary Fraser, his Grandfather William Campbell married Nancy Carmichael, his Great-Grandfather Duncan Campbell married Margaret McDonald, and his Great-Great Grandfather Alexander Campbell married Margaret McDougall. This is the family I am working on at present - the Campbell's and Fraser's all from Lost River Quebec - Harrington/Lachute area of Quebec.