Tuesday, July 18, 2023

some updates: poems, interview, review, substack etc.

I often forget to include such things, so I'll mention that I had poems up recently at Olney and Pinhole Poetry and Horseshoe Literary Magazine, was interviewed by Pinhole Poetry as well, and there was even the first review of my suite of pandemic essays, essays in the face of uncertainties (Mansfield Press, 2022), up at The Typescript! What!

I've been buried lately in a new non-fiction project which I'm hoping to start posting fragments of soon, over at my enormously clever substack. You already know about that, though, right? I've been posting there for a while now, focusing on excerpts of larger non-fiction projects, including "Lecture for an Empty Room," a book-length essay I've been working on, writing on literature, community, etcetera (among other things).

Oh, and don't forget the above/ground press 30th anniversary fundraiser is but days away from ending! There are still plenty of bundles!

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