Friday, June 28, 2024

newly posted at periodicities : a journal of poetry and poetics: folio : Barry McKinnon (1944-2023)

folio : Barry McKinnon (1944-2023)
, edited by Jeremy Stewart and Donna Kane

Jeremy Stewart : Introduction : Something – for Barry McKinnon ;

Hope Anderson : Tribute ; Elizabeth Bachinsky : Three poems ; bill bissett : ths xcelent prson  k.darcy taylor  was driving me away ; Marilyn Bowering : Barry McKinnon ; Lary Bremner : heart in place  out of time for barry mckinnon ; Brian Hiram Coulter : There was this kid in band ; Pierre Coupey : a few words for barry ; Justin Foster : Caledonia ; Solomon Goudsward : On the Death of Barry McKinnon ; Donna Kane : Barry here ; GP Lainsbury : Phenomenology put to work in the Poetry of Barry McKinnon ; rob mclennan : I wanted to say something ; Matt Partyka : Out of the Blind World ; Graham Pearce : No Distance – Three Poems ; Al Rempel : Anecdotes ; Clea Roberts : What can be done, as if an answer/ is possible? ; George Sipos : Tribute ; Jeremy Stewart : something (postscript for Barry McKinnon ; Paul Strickland : Tribute Red Shuttleworth : Tribute ; Sharon Thesen : A FEW WORDS FOR BARRY MCKINNON ; Simon Thompson : Tribute ; Michael Turner : Tribute ; Fred Wah : Bundling Barry ; Tom Wayman : Tribute ; Gillian Wigmore : Tribute ;

extras: John Harris : Barry McKinnon -- We Remember ; Paul E. Nelson: Barry McKinnon in ICU ; obituary by rob mclennan ; obituary by Paul E. Nelson ; obituary by Andrew Kurjata, CBC ; from the archives -- Remembering Barry McKinnon (1944-2023) by Cecil Giscombe, The Capilano Review ; Barry McKinnon's 2022 Touch the Donkey [a small poetry journal] interview ; Barry McKinnon's website ; other tributes (from Barry's website ;

photos of Barry McKinnon throughout provided by Joy McKinnon ;
[except for photos provided by Simon Thompson + rob mclennan,

See the full folio [with links] here

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