Wednesday, February 01, 2017

m a n y _ g e n d e r e d _ m o t h e r s : o u r _ f i r s t _ f o u r _ e s s a y s

many gendered mothers is a project on literary influence featuring short essays by writers (of any/all genders) on the women, femme, trans, and non-binary writers who have influenced them, as a direct or indirect literary forebear.

This project is directly inspired by the American website Literary Mothers, created by editor Nadxieli Nieto and managing editor Nina Puro. While we hope that Literary Mothers might eventually return to posting new pieces, our site was created as an extension and furthering of their project (in homage, if you will), and not meant as any kind of replacement.

Our first four essays include:
Aimee Herman on Kathy Acker

Leslie Stark on Tori Amos, Elizabeth Smart, Jeanette Winterson and Sylvia Plath

Nam-Chi Tran on Trinh T. Minh-ha

Amanda Earl on Sandra Ridley
Please check out our submissions page for more information.

Forthcoming essays include: Susan Rudy on Nicole Brossard, and Emily Izsak on Mina Loy.


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