Wednesday, November 25, 2015

some submission guidelines: ottawater, seventeen seconds, Touch the Donkey, etc.

It has been pointed out to me that I don't have anywhere online, overtly or otherwise, that informs as to any of my submission guidelines. I've always presumed that if someone wishes to submit badly enough, they'll simply contact me. I mean, isn't my contact information all over the bloody internet? Bah.

So here goes:

Ottawa poetry pfd annual
OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS: the deadline is annual, roughly December 1st. You can submit poems whenever you wish (as .doc with bio to rob_mclennan (at), but I won't look at any of it until closer to the annual deadline.
CRITERIA: you must either be a current or former resident of the City of Ottawa (or within an hour's drive, roughly).

seventeen seconds: a journal of poetry and poetics
OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS: I don't require poetry (such is always solicited), but am open to interviews, essays and other critical pieces. My interests are rather open, but I'm more interested in writing considered experimental or avant-garde, or at least writing that hasn't really been dealt with. I dont need pieces on writers that have been covered to death, especially those that don't provide any new perspectives.
Again, as .doc with bio to rob_mclennan (at)
Deadline is completely open.

Touch the Donkey
A chapbook-sized poetry quarterly, with online supplement
OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS: I am leaning far more toward submissions of experimental and avant-garde. Look at the list of authors in issues so far to get a sense of what appeals to me.
Again, as .doc with bio to rob_mclennan (at)
Deadline is completely open.

above/ground press
Poetry chapbook press
OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS: please look at my list of authors to get a sense of what appeals to me.
If you pay no attention to this, you are wasting both your time and mine.
Again, as .doc with bio to rob_mclennan (at) Up to 20-25 pages. Anything more is too much.
Deadline is completely open, and I am always behind on submissions.

Chaudiere Books
Literary trade publisher
WE ARE NOT SEEKING SUBMISSIONS AT THIS TIME. Keep an eye on either website or blog to see if/when this changes.

I am open to submissions, but am also full-time with a toddler, so be patient as far as response. But feel free to (politely) poke at me if you think I've taken too long.

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