Sunday, February 18, 2024

VERSeFest: Ottawa’s International Poetry Festival (our rebuilding year) fundraiser : the home stretch,

Be aware that there are only two weeks left in the VERSeFest fundraiser, as part of the grand rebuilding year for VERSeFest: Ottawa’s International Poetry Festival! It’s amazing to realize we’re already at seventy percent of our target, and we’ve received an enormous amount of support and assistance, which is very much appreciated. Thank you to everyone who has offered support!

There are still plenty of poetry manuscript consultations available, including with Madeleine Stratford, Otoniya J. Okot Bitek, rob mclennan, Jérôme Melançon (in English/French), ryan fitzpatrick (for a chapbook-length work) and Stephen Collis (for a full-length poetry manuscript!). Here is your chance to get manuscript consultations some of the best working poets in Canada!

A number of book perks have already gone, but we’ve just added two copies of Nicole Markotić latest poetry collection (signed), books by Ottawa poet Frances Boyle and Vancouver poet Renée Sarojini Saklikar, and there are still signed copies of a limited edition hardcover by Montreal poet and critic Erín Moure! As well, there are numerous book bundles of donated titles by Metatron Press, Book*hug Press, Apt. 9 Press (including a very cool William Hawkins Bundle), Nightwood Editions, Gordon Hill Press, Véhicule Press, Coach House, Invisible Publishing, New Star Books, Anstruther Press and a set of the Arc Poetry Magazine ArcAngels (broadsides by Sylvia Legris, Susan Musgrave and Monty Reid, produced for Arc patrons; designed and produced for Arc Poetry Magazine by Christine McNair).

And watch for information soon on our spring festival : March 21-24, 2024! Some of the poets confirmed include Anita Lahey, Monty Reid,  nina jane drystek, MayaSpoken, Amanda Earl, DS Stymiest, Madeleine Stratford, Sneha Madhaven-Reese, Jaclyn Pudiuk, Chris Turnbull, Mark Goldstein, Sandra Ridley, AJ Dolman, Myriam Legault-Beauregard, Nduka Otiono, Klara du Plessis and Khashayar Mohammadi. That sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it?

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